Initial Post

    This fall I will be taking an in depth look at the Chester River Watershed located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland for my Watershed Stewardship class at Virginia Tech. I chose this watershed because it is where I can currently do the most good. Living in the watershed I will be exploring allows me to better educate my community and be a better advocate for the Chester River. I moved to the Eastern Shore in 2018 and have since fallen in love with the beauty of the Chester River. My commute to work each morning actually follows the lower half of the watershed so I think about the river often.
    The Chester River is an important tributary to the mighty Chesapeake Bay. The watershed itself is roughly 250,000 acres and spans two counties - Kent and Queen Anne’s. (Chester River Association, 2016) It begins in Millington, MD and 43 miles downstream, empties into the Chesapeake Bay. (Chester River | Natural Atlas, n.d.) The river is partially brackish and is home to many important species; it has been on the EPA’s impaired list so there is much restoration work to be done.
    The towns within the watershed have a vast and rich history which all play a role in the development of the Chester River. I am looking forward to exploring this important watershed more throughout the coming weeks!

Enjoy some of the photos I have taken at different waterways along the Chester River. 

Chester River | Natural Atlas. (n.d.). Retrieved September 13, 2022, from
Chester River Association. (2016, March). Chester River Watershed Assessment & Priority Restoration Plan.
